Free treatment under Ayushman Yojana used more than 6 lakh times in four years

Despite the various challenges and problems still being faced in facilitation of Health Services in the State, the Ayushman Yojana presents a positive aspect with free treatment under the scheme having been accessed on more than six lakh occasions so far in Uttarakhand. According to information provided by the State Health Authority (SHA) a sum of more than Rs 1,000 crore has been spent so far for providing free medical treatment under the scheme.

The Ayushman Yojana implemented by the SHA has completed about four years of its execution in the State. The performance under this public welfare scheme is encouraging and satisfactory considering the expectations from it. According to officials, more than 48.82 lakh Ayushman cards have been made in the State so far. According to the information provided by the SHA, the Ayushman Yojana has been used so far by 13,139 beneficiaries in Almora district with a cost of Rs 21,24,37, 330 being incurred on their treatment.