For Goas lost forest cover, state eyes afforestation in Madhya Pradesh

To make up for the forest cover lost in Goa over the years to different development projects, the state has proposed to carry out compensatoryafforestationinMadhya Pradeshover an area of 300ha, citing that it faces a shortage of land.

Goa currently has a backlog of 1,600ha of compensatory afforestation to be carried out. Based on Goas request, Madhya Pradesh has made a provision to take up 300ha of afforestation during 2021-22. Goa has proposed to transfer the funds required for the afforestation to Madhya Pradesh.

Goa will, however, have to seek a special permission from the Environment ministry. In 2019, the ministry had altered the norms to allow states to take up compensatory afforestation in another state. But such a proposal is permitted for states that already have over 75% of its area under forest cover. Goa does not meet the criteria as only around 60% of its area is under forest cover, as per theIndia State of Forest Report2019.