Flying squads to be constituted to curb coal smuggling

The Police Headquarters has given instructions to crack down on illegal trade and smuggling of coal in Jharkhand. After which a flying squad team was formed to prevent illegal coal smuggling.

The team has been formed under the Leadership of Palamu IG, Rajkumar Lakra, Bokaro DIG, Patel Mayur Kanhaiya Lal, Hazaribagh DIG, Narendra Singh, Chaibasa DIG Ajay Linda and Dumka DIG, Sudarshan Mandal. There will be four constables each in the flying squad team in all the divisional areas to curb illegal coal smuggling completely. Along with these, one platoon of armed forces will also be deployed in each squad.

During this, instructions have been given to the IG-DIG, who controls the flying squad formed for the prevention of illegal mining. In which it has been said that the forces deputed under control should be sent to cooperate in raids with the squad formed for illegal mining. Along with this, the SPs of all the districts have been directed to cooperate during raids against illegal mining by the flying squad formed at the divisional level. Establish contact with your IG and DIG and ensure deputation of forces.