Farming in Bihar hit by siltation in major canal systems: CAG

Heavy siltation of major canal systems, including the EasternKosiCanal System (EKCS), the largest major Irrigation project of Bihar, is now proving to be a bane for the state since it has resulted in low water discharge and ultimately affecting the crop production, the (CAG) report on the outcomes of surface irrigation projects inBiharrevealed.
As per the report, a total of 85.41 lakh hectares were to be irrigated during the period of 2015-2021 against which irrigation was provided to 59.87 lakh hectares (70%) only. However, the audit observed that the report of theWater Resources Departmentwas not correct.

The report states that due to heavy siltation in Kosi river, canal flow capacity of the head reaches of the main canal and branch canal have gradually reduced. The Kosi project is an international project between India and Nepal in accordance with the Indo-Nepal Agreement of 1954, subsequently revised in 1966. The barrage, canal head works and head reaches of the canal fall in Nepal and lower reaches of canal in Indian territory. The project was finally closed in March 1985 after an expenditure of Rs187.16 crore, the report states.

The audit also found that though the post-project yield increased in the areas covered by this project, yet this was not mainly attributable to the surface irrigation.