Family planning picking up pace in Odisha: Govt data

Government data has revealed that family planning is gaining pace in the state.

According to the data, while total sterilisation cases were 55,072 in 2020-21, but it increased to 83,143 in 2021-22 and 85,219 in 2022-23 (till February 2023). Intake ofcontraception pillsand use ofcondomshave also increased in the state.

According to government data, both male and female sterilisation cases have increased since 2020-21. Of seven contraception methods propagated by the , intake of contraceptionpillshas sharply increased over the years.

Only 1,587 Women were taking these pills in 2018-19. The number doubled the next year. In 2020-21, as many as 17,260 women had taken these pills. The number increased to 1,38,663 in 2021-22 and more than two lakh in 2022-23 (till February).