Explore use of plastic to boost agriculture yield, says Pramod Sawant

Chief ministerPramod Sawant called on the plastic manufacturing industries to invest in Goa and play a major role in increasing agricultural yield. He said that the All India Plastic Manufacturers Association (AIPMA) must work to help farmers increase their income.

Bioplastics and compostable plastics are the future for the , Sawant said at the two-day Global MSME Convention for the Indian plastics industry.

Sawant said that the State Government provides a conducive Climate for the private sector with many schemes and incentives on offer for industries that are interested in investing in Goa. I assure you that you will receive all the help and support from the government of Goa in Ease of Doing Business in the state, the chief minister said.

Union minister of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises Narayan Rane virtually addressed the conference, where he said that there are approximately 50,000 industries operating in Indias plastics sector. Rane said that these industries contribute Rs 3.5 lakh crore to the countrys economy and also generate EMPLOYMENT opportunities for more than 50,000 people. About Rs 35,000 crores worth of plastic is exported from India, he added.

Rane said that 60% of the plastic generated in the country gets recycled, a rate higher than that of developed countries.