Current Affairs Exam

Enthused by the good public response the Atal Utkrishta Vidhyalayas (AUV) are evoking, the education department has now decided to open 135 more such schools in the state. In the first phase a total of 189 AUV were opened in different parts of the state.

Informing about the decision of the government, the Education minister Arvind Pandey said that 135 schools in different parts of the state which conform to the norms of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) would be converted to AUV in the second phase.

He claimed that the department had to put a board of no entry in many AUV which was a pleasant surprise. The minister further claimed that the number of students in the government schools of the state increased by 56,172 this year which is a big achievement considering the trend of the last many years where the number of students was decreasing every year. The AUVs are English medium schools having the affiliation of CBSE.

The minister said that there are many examples where people have returned back to their villages after the AUV was opened near their vicinity. The parents want their children to study in a CBSE English medium school and the AUVs with their and other facilities are fitting their requirement. In a way these schools are promoting reverse Migration.

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