Enrollment in Atal Pension Yojana

In Atal Pension Yojana, the total enrollment is more than 3.30 crore.

About Atal Pension Yojana:

The Atal Pension Yojana started to become active from June 1, 2015, and is accessible to all the residents of India in the age group of 18-40 years.

Under the scheme, a subscriber would obtain a minimal assured pension of Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000 per month, relying upon his contribution, from the age of 60.

The same pension to be paid to the subscriber’s spouse, and on the death of each subscriber and the spouse, the collected pension wealth is returned to the nominee.

The central government will also jointly contribute 50% of the total contribution or Rs. 1000 per year, whichever is lower. This is eligible to each subscriber account for a period of 5 years. Those who joined NPS before December 31, 2015 and are not members of any statutory social security scheme & are not income tax payer are part of this.