Current Affairs Exam

End recognition of Pvt schools depriving enrolment of BPL students

School Education and Literacy Department should end the recognition of all private schools which deprive enrollment of 2,588 Dalit tribal natives of BPL category and other economically weak Swarna Samaj children from the Right to Education Act, otherwise agitation will be held, said Central President of Jharkhandi Information Rights Forum, Central Vice President of Adivasi Moolvasi Jan Adhikar Manch, Bhai Vijay Shankar Nayak here on Tuesday.

Nayak also said that in the financial year 2022-2023, the enrollment of Dalit tribal natives of BPL category and children of economically weak Swarna Samaj was sure to be done on a total of 9,974 seats in recognized private schools of the state, but only 4,386 children were enrolled. In private schools2,588 children were not enrolled which is the subject of investigation under what circumstances children of these categories were denied enrollment.

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