Edu min: NITI Aayog should take a balanced approach for SDG index

State Education minister Vijay Kumar Choudhary questioned the ranking of states in the Goals (SDG) India Index 2021 released by NITI Aayog on June 3. Bihar has been adjudged as the worst performer state in the ranking.

Choudhary alleged that the methodology of collection of data, its assessment and presentation is unbalanced for developing economies.

The condition of Bihar has improved on many parameters as compared to previous years.

As per the SDG India Index 2021, Bihar scored 52 out of 100 marks on different parameters and came under performer category (with scores in the range of 50-64). Bihar is in the frontrunner category on five parameters. It has scored 91 points in sanitation and clean water category, which is eight points higher than the national Average and two points above Kerala.

As per the SDG dashboard, Bihars performance has improved in hunger, Health and well-being, education, gender Equality, water and sanitation, cities and communities and Justice and institutions.

The state has made remarkable achievement in good health and well-being (SDG3). Entire country knows the works done in Bihar for Gender Equality (SGD5), including promotional schemes for girl students and parallel reservation for Women among others.

The categories in which states performance have been the lowest include POVERTY, hunger, gender equality, Industry, innovation and Infrastructure, reduction of inequalities and Climate action.