Doon ranks poor inCSCAF,need to adoptclimate-sensitive approach

Releasing its report on Dehraduns poor performance inClimate Smart Cities Assessment Framework (CSCAF), the Social Development for Communities (SDC) Foundationhasappealed to all to include the issue of sustainable Urbanisation in their manifestos ahead of the 2022 assembly Elections fora Climate-sensitive approach to urban planning and development in thestate.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) developed CSCAF in association with the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) to provide a roadmap for cities towards mainstreaming climate actions within existing and future projects and policies. A total of 126 cities including 100 Smart Cities, capital cities and other cities were part of the assessment and Dehradun was the only city from Uttarakhand. The cities were given star ratings on the basis of the evaluation based on five parameters including 28 indicators- Urban Planning, Green Cover and Biodiversity, Mobility and Air Quality, Water Management, Energy and Green Buildings and Waste Management. Dehradun received one star in the first three parameters, two stars in the fourth one and three stars in the waste management category.

According to the SDCs report, not a single city out of 126 cities got an overall five-star ranking inthis assessment. Only nine cities includingAhmedabad, Rajkot, Surat, Visakhapatnam and Indore got the four-star ranking while 22 cities got a three-star ranking. Dehradun and the other 63 cities got only a two-star ranking while the remaining 31 cities attained only a one-star ranking.