District Level NER Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Index

MDoNER had launched the countrys first district level SDG Index for the eight North East Region States as a collaborative effort with , with technical support from UNDP. This is a first of its kind progress tracking tool for the North Eastern Region, of critical significance to the Regions development trajectory. The SDG NER index is aligned to the SDG India Index and is based on a north-east specific District Indicator Framework, comprising of 84 indicators to measure progress of NER across 15 SDGs. In furtherance to the first edition of the NER District SDG Index Report released on 26thAugust, 2021, Ministry of DoNER in collaboration with NITI Aayog and UNDP is in the progress to finalize the Second edition of District level NER SDG Index in 2022.

The adoption of the NER SDG District Index for goal-based planning, gap-based prioritization, and indices-based outcome targeting is needed for coordinated planning and monitoring in the entire region. This will ensure a targeted and optimal utilization of available Resources as per felt needs in the region. The institutionalization of this data-driven framework will empower all stakeholders in their decision-making and policymaking.