CW launches Digital Shakti 4.0 focussing on making women digitally skilled and aware

The“>National Commission for Women (NCW) launched the fourth phase of Digital Shakti Campaign, a pan-India project on digitally empowering and skilling women and girls in the cyberspace,yesterday. In line with its commitment to create safe spaces for women and girls online, Digital Shakti 4.0 is focused on making women digitally skilled and aware to stand up against any illegal/inappropriate activity online. NCW launched it in collaboration with CyberPeace Foundation and Meta.

The launch was followed by an interactive panel discussion on Safe Spaces Online Combatting Cyber-enabled Human Trafficking & Combatting Other forms of Online Violence in order to provide keen opinions from experts from the Industry, Government, and Academia to address the issue of online women safety from all tangents and provide whole approach to ensure better women safety online.