Crime against women in TN on the rise

Crimes against Women in Nadu increased significantly in 2022 in comparison to previous years, shows data tabled by the State Government in the assembly on Thursday during the demand for grants of the Home, Prohibition, and excise department.

There were 2,918 crimes against women in 2022, includingrape(432), dowry death (29), cruelty by husband and relatives (1,043) and molestation (1,414). The comparative figures for 2021 when 2,421 cases were registered were 442, 27, 875 and 1,077.

The number of white-collar crimes increased by 21% in 2022 over 2021. There were 3,382 cheating cases in 2021 and 4,320 in 2022. Likewise, criminal breach of trust cases went up by 41% from 126 in 2021 to 216 in 2022. There were 132 cases of kidnapping and abduction cases in 2020, 183 in 2021 and 201 in 2022.