Covid has killed more men than women in Himachal: Data

Covid-19 has been harsher on men than Women in the state. Of the 1,484 deaths till Saturday, 970 men (65.4 per cent) and 514 women (34.6 per cent) have succumbed to the virus. According to data made available by the Health authorities, the mean age of people, who died of the virus, is 63.4 years.

Besides, 67.3 per cent victims had co-morbidities. Diabetes and hypertension have had the worst effect on patients. Of the total deaths with co-morbid conditions, 499 cases (49.9 per cent) had diabetes mellitus, 459 (45.9 per cent) had hypertension, 111 (11.1 per cent) had chronic kidney disease and 84 (8.4 per cent) had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Most deaths (374) were recorded in Kangra district. Close to 90 per cent victims are those persons who had attained the age of 45 years.