Covid-19: At 45%, North Goa ranks 10th on all-India district positivity list

NorthGoas weeklypositivity rateat 45.09 is the 10th highest among all districts in the country for the week January 13 to 19.SouthGoas weekly positivity rate for the same period is relatively lower at 35.95% and ranks 38th among all districts.

North Goa, which welcomed tourist revellers during the festive season flouting allCovidprotocols, now has a weekly positivity rate higher than districts in Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, etc.

Only one district each in Nagaland, Himachal and Nadu, four in Arunachal Pradesh as well as Haryanas Faridabad and Keralas Thiruvananthapuram, have higher weekly positivity rates than Goa.
For months after the second wave save for a few occasions in September, October and November both Goas districts reported positivity rates below 2%.