CM launches Amul ops in West Godavari dist

The has extended the operations of Gujarat-based milk producers cooperative,Amul, in the state.
Amul will begin milk collection inWest Godavaridistrict. It was launched in the state in December 2020 with operations in Kadapa, Chittoor and Prakasam districts. Amul later extended to Guntur district.

Amul acquires milk from these Dairy farmers through milk collection centres, the quality of milk is tested in front of the farmers, and they are provided with a slip on the spot, this slip shows the grade of the milk and how much it will cost, this helps eliminate any discrepancies in payments to the farmers. The milk is collected and stored through the assistance of bulk milk cooling units (BMCU) and automatic milk collection units (AMCU). The AP government is placing these AMCUs at all milk collection centres at an estimated cost of Rs 218.99 crore.

Similarly, BMCUs are being positioned at 9,899 villages, costing about Rs 1088.89 crore.