Cleanliness: Kochi shows poor progress

The city again performed very poorly in the Swachh Survekshan 2022 rankings released by theministry of housing and urban affairson Saturday.Kochistood at 298th position among 382 cities with a Population between one lakh and 10 lakh. The only consolation is that it made a marginal progress as compared to the 324th position in 2021.

Kochi stood second in the state after Alappuzha , which secured 190th rank. The performance of municipalities under zonal ranking has also been dismal. No municipality fromErnakulammanaged to make it to the list of top 100 clean cities, underscoring that the Waste Management in these regions is still in tatters.

Kochi performed badly in segregated door-to-door collection, cleanliness of roads, public toilets, market areas and citizen grievance redressal. Surprisingly, more than 90% drains in the city surveyed were adjudged clean.