CII Tamil Nadu maps more than 10 lakh workers for vax drive

The Confederation of Indian (CII)Tamil Naduchapter has mapped more than 10 lakh employees and workers of the CII member companies in the state to prepare them for vaccination. The employees and workers belong to 1,397 member companies of CII in the state and they include temporary and outsourced staff.

The mapping of employees is part ofCII Tamil Nadu’s plans to ensure 100% vaccination for all, as part of its support to the State Government‘s initiatives to contain the spread of Covid. CII’s vaccination programme began on Wednesday at Daimler India’s commercial vehicle plant at Oragadam with chief minister M K Stalin visiting the facility and appreciating the vaccination drive.

CII has devised a ‘hub & spoke’ model, where larger industrial units will hold vaccination camps and employees of smaller industries in the region could vaccinate themselves at such facilities. But the shortage in supply of Vaccines could cause a hurdle.

As per the ‘hub and spoke’ model, larger companies where vaccination camps will be held have be identified and they have assured 100% cooperation.