Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the previous governments used to set their corrupt eyes on the money of the poor and underprivileged but after the implementation of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana the money was now going straight into the accounts of the beneficiaries.

The keys were symbolically handed over to five beneficiaries of Ayodhya, Sonbhadra and Rae Bareli, while the other beneficiaries attended the programme through the virtual medium.

Yogi also interacted with some of the beneficiaries from various districts through video conferencing.

Underlining the efforts of his government in ensuring housing for all, the chief minister said that the realisation of the prime ministers dream was visible.

Appreciating the work done by the Rural Development department, the chief minister asked officials concerned to connect all Women with the self-help groups. Around 52 lakh women of the state were linked with the rural livelihood mission and were provided funds from the revolving fund.