Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that Kill-corona Campaign-2 is being conducted from village to village and house to house in all rural areas of the State for special fever screening.

The survey teams are reaching out and identifying potential patients on priority especially in areas where the rate of infection is high. 15,308 survey teams have been formed for the Kill-Corona Campaign-2 started from April 24 last. The survey of more than 2 crore 29 lakh 51 thousand 135 people has been completed by the survey teams so far. During the survey, samples of more than 84,148 potential patients have been taken.

Out of 22,811 gram panchayats in the state, 21,584 gram panchayats have pledged to impose Janta corona curfew, which is about 94.62 percent of the total panchayats. All government and private offices except essential Services are operating with a 10 percent presence. The gathering of people is prohibited for organising social, political, cultural, Sports, educational, public events and entertainment activities.

Under the Jeevan Amrit Yojana, 2 lakh 92 thousand 448 people have been benefited by distributing 1 lakh 16 thousand 979 packets of decoction to families since April 8, 2021.