Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that it is very important to promote local products for the development and economic strengthening of the country and the State. Madhya Pradesh is continuously ensuring its participation in fulfilling the resolve of ‘Vocal for Local’ of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Chouhan has appealed to the people of the State to give priority to their local shopkeepers and locally made products to buy essential items on the occasion of festivals. With this, not only will you contribute to the development of the country and the state, but EMPLOYMENT opportunities will also be available to the local people. He said that our priority should be local material. If we buy local, we will help our poor artisans, weavers and those who make other local materials celebrate festivals.

Chouhan said that we have also formed self-help groups by identifying those skilled Women in the state, who prepare many types of useful materials at the local level. All such women have been encouraged by providing them financial assistance through banks.