Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that a new pharma policy will be formulated to promote the manufacture of medicines for serious diseases like cancer, black fungus in the State. Our priority will be to make affordable but high quality medicines for critical diseases as per international standards.

It is a matter of joy, satisfaction and pride for the State to start production of Amphoreva-B in Jabalpur in such a short time for the treatment of black fungus.

It is a matter of joy, satisfaction and pride for the state to start production of Amphoreva-B required for the treatment of black fungus in Jabalpur in such a short time.

The Chief Minister said that the production of this injection to combat black fungus is an important step towards making the state self-reliant. Adding the word Reva to the name of Reva Cure Sciences Company symbolizes the companys proximity to its roots. This unit is the only pharma company in Madhya Pradesh to manufacture Anti Cancer Injection. Production of advanced Nanotechnology based injections and the company being certified by WHO and European GMP is a matter of pride for the state. Chouhan congratulated the founders of Reva Cure for this achievement.