Chief minister (CM)Nitish Kumar said the state government has decided to open model residential schools for students belonging to the scheduled caste (SC) and scheduled tribe (ST) families in every block that has 50,000 and more population of these groups.The CM asked the officials concerned to identify the land in the blocks concerned for the construction of the model residential schools. The state has 534 blocks. He also asked them to identify the main features that could be included in these schools, besides the kind of facilities that would be required.Nitish said this during the review of the progarmmes, schemes and activities taken up by the SC and ST welfare department for the uplift of these sections.

The CM said the 15kg of food grain being supplied per student per month at the SC/ST welfare hostels should be continued. He also directed them to ensure that the old SC/ST hostel buildings are renovated and converted into new ones.

The CM said the implementation of the Scholarship and merit-cum-POVERTY scholarships should be regularly monitored to ensure that it is executed with transparency to provide benefits to the SC/ST students. Further, the monetary incentive schemes for them should also be implemented, he said.