Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said the government’s plans and development agenda are linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) adopted by the United Nations.

Baghel was addressing the first meeting here of the State Level SDG Steering Committee, set up to review the Goals. SDGs adopted by the UN General Assembly include ending POVERTY, protecting Environment, reducing economic inequality and ensuring peace and Justice for all.

The Chief Minister said the government is making efforts to achieve the SDGs through various public welfare schemes. He released the “State Indicator Framework” prepared by the State Planning Commission for achieving the SDGs and the “Baseline and Progress Report 2020” based on the same.He said the ‘State Indicator Framework’ will help in systematic evaluation and monitoring and thus improve the implementation of departmental plans. Baghel said that soon the District Indicator Framework will be finalized on the lines of the State Indicator Framework. All the districts will be ranked on the basis of their performance. State Planning Commission’s Deputy Chairman Ajay Singh said that for better implementation of SDGs, two committees have been constituted at the state level under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary. The district level committees will be under the chairmanship of Collector.