Chandigarh to promote low-alcoholic drinks

The Chandigarh administration on Wednesday approved a new Excise Policy for fiscal 2023-24, aiming to bring uniformity with neighboring tri-cities — Panchkula and Mohali — and to promote low-alcoholic drinks.

Also, liquor is expected to be slightly cheaper now after the policy comes into force as the cow cess has been reduced on it. But a new tax, clean air cess, will now be levied.

The policy for 2023-24 aims at balancing the aspirations of consumers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and the government, a statement said onWednesday. A major development for the retail vends, clubs, restaurants, hotels, and bars is the extension in time for operating. Now the liquor vends will be operational from 9 a.m. to midnight, while bars till 3 a.m.

To promote low-alcoholic drinks, license fees and duties have not been increased on beer, wine, ready to drink, among others.

The Chandigarh Administration has kept the excise duties on all types of liquor the same as in the previous years policy. Quotas of Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL), country liquor (CL) and imported foreign liquor (IFL) have been kept unchanged. Quarterly quota lifting quantities have been eased based on the suggestions of stakeholders.