Cgarh raises concern over protocol violation

The Chhattisgarh government on Thursday raised concern over violation of protocol during a visit by the Mahanadi Water Disputes Tribunal team.

The tribunal is on a visit to Chhattisgarh and Odisha over the sharing of waters of the Mahanadi basin.

The Chhattisgarh government said it was unfortunate that ahead of the tribunal’s visit to Odisha news was being published contrary to the spirit of joint protocol agreed upon between the two states.

The storage capacity of Odisha’s Hirakud Reservoir on the Mahanadi is much more than the storage capacities of all the reservoirs in the Mahanadi basin in Chhattisgarh put together. So, Odisha has no reason to complain about water shortage.

Odisha has an exploitative Water Resource Management of the Mahanadi Basin, Chhattisgarh said.