Central Coalfields Limited (CCL), a subsidiary of Coal India Limited signed an MoU worth Rs 3 crores with Chatra District Administration on Saturday. Under the MoU, CCL will provide Rs 3 Crore to Chatra District Administration to upgrade 100 Aanganwadi centres in the district.

The amount will also be utilised for establishing 54 digital classrooms in 30 schools and an Oxygen plant in community Health centre, Tandwa.

An amount of Rs 1.5 crores will be spent on upgrading the 100 Aanganwadi centres of the district. An expenditure of Rs 1.5 lakh will be incurred on every centre towards repair of building, wall paintings and providing Sports and other essential items to the children. A total of 54 digital classrooms will be established in 30 schools of Chatra at an expenditure of Rs 1.03 Crore. An oxygen plant in the community health centre, Tandwa will also be established at a cost of Rs 60 lakh.