PM Narendra Modi to inaugurate Rs 11,355-crore projects in Hyderabad on April 8

Amid rising political temperatures in the state, Prime MinisterNarendra Modiis all set to inaugurate and dedicate to the nation several development works to the tune of 11,355 crore on April 8. He will also address a public meeting at Parade Ground in Secunderabad.

Apart from flagging off the Secunderabad-Tirupati Vande Bharat Express from Secunderabad RAILWAY station, he would also perform ‘bhumi puja’ for the redevelopment and modernization of the Secunderabad station at a cost of 715 crore.

Modi would also inaugurate the doubling work on the Secunderabad-Mahabubnagar railway line at a cost of 1,410 crore, launch 13 new MMTS Phase-II Services, as a part of the MMTS Phase-II between Bolarum-Medchal and Falaknuma-Umdanagar, perform ‘bhumi puja’ for six national highway projects to be constructed at an estimated cost of 7,864 crore and various development works at Aiims, Bibinagar, at a cost of 1,366 crore.

Centre calls on Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to negotiate and solve issues over bifurcation

The Centre has askedAndhra PradeshandTelanganatoresolvepending issues overbifurcationthrough negotiation. Assuring that support would be extended in resolution of the issues.

Senior officials told the Union Home secretary that bifurcation of non-cadre superintendents of Police (SPs), additional SPs and DSPs were not yet resolved. Similarly, division of assets and debts of corporations listed in the Schedule IX of AP Reorganisation Act and Singareni Collieries were also left unresolved. Provisions to levy taxes as per Sections 51,51 and 56 of the Reorganisation Act are also pending resolution.

Per capital devpt spend of state 2nd highest in country: Survey

Telanganais second in the country in terms of per capita development expenditure (PCDE), according toSocio-Economic Survey(2023) released by finance minister T Harish Rao.

Goa tops the list with PCDE of 59,770, followed byTelangana(26,897) and Karnataka (24,040). On the other hand, the countrys PCDE is 20,233, on an Average. A states PCDE is calculated by dividing its development expenditure by its Population.

The development expenditure component of includes spending on both social (Education, Health, welfare, and housing) and economic Services (Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture, Forestry, Industry, transport, etc.). Spending on general services is included in non-development expenditure (fiscal services, administrative services, etc.). Telangana has the highest share of development expenditure in total expenditure (78.1%) among Indian states during the 2018-21 period. During the same period, the average share of development expenditure average of the country was 68.4%.

Capital expenditure, on the other hand, is usually one-time and spread over a long period of time, either resulting in the creation of an Infrastructure asset. The states estimated capital expenditure for financial year 2022-23 is 67,584 crore (26%).

During 2018-21, the states economic services expenditure, as a share of development expenditure, was 46.3%, which was close to Indias share of 44.6%. Similarly, during the same period, the states social service expenditure, as a share of development expenditure, was 53.7%, which was close to Indias average of 55.4%.

All tourist spots in T disabled-friendly: Min

tourism minister V Srinivas Goud said the State Government would provide all facilities and arrangements for physically challenged people to visit all tourist spots in the state.

He assured all the help to D-Hub founder Koppula Vasundhara, who is making a documentary titled Tritour on facilities provided to the physically challenged in the state. The minister said she could go around the tourist places in all the 33 districts in the state.

Telangana: Study water availability before interlinking rivers

Even as the Centre proposed linking of the rivers in the Union budget,said no move should be initiated until availability of water in Godavari river was determined.

Raising apprehensions, it said any proposal to link rivers should be taken up only after holding consultations with both states. Andhra Pradesh and Telangana shareKrishnaand Godavari river basins and sharing of Irrigation water has always been the bone of contention.

In the past, the TRS government had asked the Centre to take up a detailed project report after determining that the state has water in excess of its needs before interlinking the rivers. Though Telangana has agreed to link the rivers in principle, it, however, told the Centre that a water balance study was required before taking any action. The reason for this, Telangana argued, is that the Centre was relying on two-decades-old water availability report.

Several new projects based on Godavari water are also being planned, particularly after the bufurcation of AP, it contended and said the river becomes surplus only after the tributaries,Pranahitaand Indravati, join it.

The feasibility report on interlinking southern rivers is also outdated, Telangana said and added it needed to be updated as new projects such as Sriramsagar stage 2, Sriramsagar flood flow canal, Devadula, Indirasagar,Rajivsagar,Pranahita-Chevellaand Kanathapalli are being implemented.

TheKrishnaRiver Management Board (KRMB) will hold a meeting withTelanganaandAndhra Pradesh(AP) in the second week of August, top sources said.

Official said the respective delegates will discuss water allocation for the current year 2021, detailed project reports for all Irrigation projects and objections being raised on the projects and hydel power generation by both the states.

The meeting assumes significance as theNational Green Tribunal(NGT) has recently directed the KRMB to inspect the Rayalaseema Lift Irrigation Scheme (RLIS) project site independently, without seeking help from AP and submit a report on August 9. The government even offered to provide helicopter for the KRMB team to reach the site.

2010 central law adopted to regulate pvt hosps: T to HC

The informed the High Court that it has adopted the 2010 central legislation, Clinical Establishments Act, aimed at regulating and monitoring the private hospitals and also brought in the required mechanism to implement the law in the state.

The law is known asTelanganaClinical Establishments (Registering and Regulation) Act after it came into force in June 2022. The state informed this to a bench of Chief JusticeUjjal BhuyanandJusticeN Tukaramji that was hearing a PIL filed byVijay Gopalof Forum Against Corruption, an NGO, questioning the inaction of the state in adopting the central law.

The state, it can be recalled, argued that its laws are far more effective and hence it need not adopt the central law. Scores of petitions, including the current one, alleged the state has done nothing to punish errant hospitals and left hapless people at the mercy of corporate and private hospitals mafia. There were allegations that corporate hospitals have made crores during the pandemic.

T now among top five for vax administration in India

While cost of Vaccines have led to a political war of words, a look at the statesvaccineadministration data shows that number of vaccinations have gone up in the last three days, touching the two-lakh-mark.Telanganais now among the top five states in the country for vaccine administration.

Close to 35 lakh doses of Covishield doses have been administered while a little over 5.8 lakh Covaxin doses have been given. At present, the vaccination rate in the state stands at 6,000 per million a day. Data shows that so far just over five lakh doses of the over 40 lakh administered have been second doses of the vaccine.

T committed to AP Reorganisation Act

Chief ministerK Chandrasekhar Raohas directed chief secretarySomeshKumarto inform Union Home affairs officials that the was committed toAP Reorganisation Act2014.
He spoke to the CS at Pragati bhavan on union home affairs meeting with officials of bothTelanganaand AP officials on January 12 on bifurcation issues.KCRsaid state government never compromised on state interests and many issues were pending due to the AP governments Attitude. He said state government would take a decision on participating the meeting depending on covid cases.