Wimbledon features state’s boat race on digital platforms

Kerala’siconic snake boatrace has been featured prominently byWimbledonTennis Championship as a poster on its digital platforms, including the official Facebook page of the ongoing mega tennis tourney, reflecting the success of the state tourism’s sustained global Marketing outreach.

The poster depicts an image of prominent Wimbledon players in tennis attire rowing twoIruttkuthi boatsin a panoramic backwater setting off a lush coconut grove in Kerala.

The image is accompanied by an emoji of Kerala and London shaking hands and the description, “Ready for the annual boat race! Who will be lifting the 2023 Wimbledon championship”.

“It’s really exciting to see Kerala’ssnake boatrace being featured by Wimbledon as an official poster,” tourism minister P A Mohamed Riyas said.

Wimbledon is yet another major sporting event to feature Kerala, within a few months after Chelsea FC making a virtual tour of backwater paradise Alappuzha, praising the beauty of the land.

Keralas total debt stands at 3,32,291 crore: state finance minister KN Balagopal

The statefinance ministerinformed the assembly that the total debt ofKeralastood at Rs 3,32,291 crore; the liability doubled during the 2015-16 period. However, despite the pandemic situation here, the Growth rate was 88.66% in 2020-21 compared to that of 2015-16.
In the absence of finance ministerKN Balagopal, ministerK Radhakrishnangave replies to queries. He said that despite all financial constraints, the did not compromise on development projects and welfare schemes.

The Centre had provided a loan of Rs 1,471 crore during the 2019-20 period and had increased the borrowing limit in the subsequent two financial years. The negative growth during the pandemic was the key reason for the present financial crisis. Earlier, the Centre had cut down the borrowing limit of the state and only during the pandemic a relaxation was given.

As per the medium-term Fiscal Policy and strategy statement, the domestic production will show a two-digit increase from the present financial year. As a result, the state should show an improved performance in tax and non-tax revenue this year.

Agri sector receives fund for modernization in Kerala

To attract more youngsters and persons who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic to the agri sector, the finance minister said that fair prices will be ensured for farm products.

As part of this, Krishi Bhavans to be modernized as smart offices and the finance minister has allocated Rs10 crore as preliminary expenditure. Integration of various stages from distribution of quality planting materials, cultivation (depending on the nature of the ), extension activities of Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture, harvest, use of warehouses, cold storage chain and Marketing will be modernized using advanced digital technologies like cloud computing, blockchain, AI for the benefits of farmers.

Subiksha Keralam scheme started during the tenure of the previous government to address Food scarcity and increasing income duringCovidhas enhanced production on a large scale. He said that shortage of godowns equipped with facilities for preservation, drawbacks in procurement and marketing networks, pushed farmers into distress.

A sum of Rs 10 crore has been earmarked for a computerized service Network for marketing agri products. Two districts will be chosen for the pilot project this year in which farmer producer companies, co-operative societies and agri markets shall be included in this scheme. An amount of Rs10 crore is earmarked for this.

Govt offices in Ernakulam set to go garbage-free by May 15

Heads of various government departments and agencies in the district have given instructions to the officials to ensure that all the offices are garbage-free by May 15.

According to it, all the government departments and agencies should adopt a scientific waste treatment system and also try to reduce the waste generated in each office.

Suchitwa Mission should give proper instructions to each department and government agency on how to treat the waste. It should also advise on setting up biobins as well. Non-biodegradable waste should be handed over to Haritha Karma Sena on a weekly basis.

The heads of departments should see to it that eco-friendly objects are being used for official purposes as far as possible. They should also ensure that the offices under their jurisdiction follow green protocol.

Private hospitals in Kerala demand 30-50% more than Karunya rates

Private hospitalshave informed the that they should be allowed to charge 30-50 % more than the existing Karunya Arogya Suraksha Padhati (KASP)ratesforCovidtreatment. However, negotiations are on and the government is yet to agree to it.

The daily KASP rates for Covid treatment: General ward, Rs 2,300, High Dependency Unit, Rs 3,300, ICU without ventilator, Rs 6,500 and ICU with ventilator, Rs 11,500. They have fixed the PPE cost of Rs 1,000/unit, with a maximum claim limit of Rs 1 lakh/case. These charges will apply to patients referred by the government to the hospital under 25% reservation and the enhanced rates will be applicable for the rest 25% of patients who come directly to the hospital, said sources.

Kerala has no dearth of funds for effective waste management projects

Even whenwaste managementin various places across the state is turning out to be a serious Health and environmental hazard, records show that there is no dearth of funds available for setting up effective Waste Management projects. Crores of rupees are left unused due to the government’s inability in implementing projects.

The AMRUT fund to the tune of Rs 600 crore to Rs 700 crore said to be unutilized for the current year stands as testimony to the low profile of functioning of the LSGIs as far as waste management is concerned,” said the minutes of the review meeting. As per records, there are 19 projects proposed under theAMRUT schemealone, of which 12 have not even started.

These projects are proposed to be undertaken by various agencies -KeralaWater Authority, AMRUT, IMPACT Kerala (special purpose vehicle for KIIFB projects in local self-government institutions) and Suchitwa Mission. These projects are worth Rs 633.65 crore, of which the implementing agencies have received Rs 198.23 crore. Of this, Rs 50.23 crore only has been utilized so far, data shows.

New Gecko Species Discovered In Western Ghats

n Kerala’s the Western Ghats, a team of researchers recently found a new gecko species. Hemidactylus easai is the scientific name for the species.


P S Easa, the Kerala Forest and Research Institute director, was honored with the species’ name. The species was discovered in the forest’s drier areas. From snout to vent, it measured 105 millimeters.

The species has a Light brown color to it. It was discovered near a human settlement. There are about 180 different species of geckos on the planet.

India has 48, and Thirty of the 48 are in Kerala. Geckos do not pose a threat to human life. They play a crucial role in insect control.

Kerala: Maintenance alone to cost Rs 5,420 crore for first 10 years

The maintenance cost of the proposedSilverLine semi high-speed railcorridor project for the first 10 years alone will run up to Rs 5,420 crore, indicating the huge liability it brings on the state.
According to the executive summary of its detailed project report (DPR), the project is estimated to cost Rs 63,940.67 crore, of which Rs 33,626.97 crore is expenditure excluding land cost. It says the maintenance cost will go up to Rs 694 crore/year after 10 years while salaries and benefits to employees are estimated at Rs 271 crore/year.

The project has led to a major showdown between the government and opposition, with both sides sticking to their stands and deciding to directly present their arguments to people. There were reports of opposition to the project even within theLDF.

Steps on to repeal 122 Acts

The law department has initiated procedures to repeal as many as 122actsthat were enacted in the state for multiple purposes since 2008, on the recommendations of the 15th report of thestate law reforms commission.

The commission, in its report submitted to thegovernmentlast month had recommended to repeal as many as 218 acts prevailing in the state, many of those that were enacted even before the formation of the state. The law reforms commission had submitted the draftKeralasaving and repealing bill, 2021, for repealing these laws. The law department then found that of the 218 acts that have been recommended for repealing, as many as 96 acts have already been recommended for being repealed by a committee headed by eminent jurist V RKrishna Iyerin 2009 itself.

The law department then informed thecabinetthat the procedures for repealing the 96 acts as recommended by the committee headed by Krishna Iyer have already been initiated, and the procedures for repealing the remaining 122 acts can be initiated. The cabinet on November 24, cleared the proposal for repealing the remaining acts that have been recommended by the committee by excluding those that have already been recommended by the Krishna Iyer committee on which the law department is still working. On the basis of the cabinet decision, the law department has begun the procedures for placing the bill in the assembly. All these 122 acts that are being repealed are amendment acts to various existing acts in the state.

The fifth edition of the HacKP, the online international hackathon competition of the state police that came with the theme demystifying the dark web has resulted in Grapnel, a tool that will help police keep tabs on the mysterious world ofdark web.

The high cost of the Software available in the market to patrol the dark web made the Police think of the possibility of building an own software, using the best minds who participated in HacKP online from all over the world.

HacKP 2021 was conducted virtually this year in the wake of the pandemic, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as more participation of the best minds from all over the world could be ensured in the event. The event provided the participants opportunities without restraints of location and time zone.