Categorisation at village level will pave way for better water management

Taking initiative towards state Governments water conservation objective, Haryana Resources“>Water Resources (Conservation, Regulation and Management) Authority (HWRA) has categorized the State into seven different zones based on depth to groundwater table as of June 2020 taking village as the unit of assessment which means this categorization is at the micro-level as compared to earlier categorization which used to be done taking block as assessment unit.

This village-wise categorization is initially for the purpose of management and micro-level planning of water resources and for making policies and taking remedial actions for water resources in the State.

As per the directions given by the Chief Minister to divide the state into different zones according to the situation of the groundwater level in the village, so as to overcome the water shortage as well as to manage the groundwater, several schemes will be formulated at the village level to increase the water level. Villages having less water levels would be given priority in all the water conservation schemes.