Capitulating to the persistent demand from the Kerala government, the Union Rural Development Ministry has lifted the restriction on number of simultaneous work in a gram panchayat for the State. In a written letter to the State government on Friday, the Ministry has said that instead of existing cap of 20 simultaneous works per gram panchayat, the State can have up to 50.

The Centre had directed the States, by an order in July this year, that the muster roll for new work may not be issued if 20 number of works are available in a gram panchayat. The only exception, which were not counted in this 20 were works under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin (PMAYG).

The State has been warring with the Centre on the issue since the directions were issued July. M.B. Rajesh, Minister for Local Self-government, wrote a letter to the Union Rural Development Minister on October 31,urging the Ministry to consider the restrictions for panchayat wards instead of Panchayats in States like Kerala, where the panchayats are quite big in terms of geographical area and Population.