Camera traps to be set up in Aravalis for wildlife census

The Haryanawildlifedepartment will install more than 100 camera traps across the Aravalis in May and June to carry out acensusof wildlife in the ecologically fragile area.

This is part of the upcoming wildlifesurveyto be conducted jointly by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) and the state wildlife department.

The survey is actually divided into two phases. The first phase will be carried out via a mobile phone application to count the number of monkeys in the state, while the second phase involves a census of wildlife in the Aravalis, officials said, adding that an awareness generation campaign will also be the focus of this survey to mitigate human-animal conflicts.

They capture images by detecting body heat or movement of any animal. These cameras are designed in a camouflaged way to protect them fromanimalsand humans.
The camera-trap survey method will be used to conduct a census of the wildlife in the Aravalis.