Cabinet clears Rs 12,031 crore plan for 2nd green energy corridor

The Cabinet on Thursday approved a Rs 12,031 crore plan to string more than 10,000 km intra-state transmission lines and substations for feeding of produced by seven states into the national grid.

The Centre will provide Rs 3,970 crore, or 33% of project costs, for the scheme that aims to prepare the countrys electricity Network for handling 450 GW of green energy capacity planned by the government by 2030.

The Central assistance will help keep tariffs down for consumers by offsetting the intra-state transmission charges.

The transmission network, including sub-stations, is estimated to evacuate 20 GW (gigawatts) of renewable energy from Gujarat,Himachal Pradesh,Karnataka, Kerala,Rajasthan,Tamil Naduand Uttar Pradesh.

The transmission systems will be built over five years, starting 2021-22 financial year and is expected to be completed in 2025-26.

The latest scheme is the second phase of the green energy corridor. The first phase is under implementation in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka,Madhya Pradesh,Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu for grid integration and evacuation of about 24 GW of green power. It is expected to be completed this year.

Under the first phase, 9,700 km of transmission lines and substations are being built at an estimated cost of Rs 10,141 crore. The Centre is extending Rs 4,056 crore as assistance.