Brick kilns want exemption from green norms

The red brick , which is accused of polluting the Environment, has appealed to policy-makers to weigh the pros and cons before making norms that are tough to follow. The brick manufacturers, who are ready to opt for cleaner technology, are sceptical that stringent laws may push the small and medium business owners out of the trade.

The manufacturers are also sceptical about their future in the wake of the carbon phase down policy of the Centre.

There are around 2,000 plus brick kilns in the state that provide direct and indirect EMPLOYMENT to over three lakh people. According to estimates, the industry gives employment for 120-150 days in a year at an Average wage of Rs 500 per head.

Despite opting for environment-friendly technology, the brick kilns are still considered as a polluting industry and they are often under the lens of environmental activists.

The zig-zag kilns are fitted with boosters to burn the coal efficiently, thereby reducing its consumption to 60% than what was required in the FCBT model.