Bihar govt to pay Rs 650 crore against crop damages

The state cabinet approved the governments proposal to pay compensation worth Rs650 crore to farmers against crop damages they suffered due to floods, excess rainfall and waterlogging, besides the ex gratia payment of Rs50,000 to the next of kin of each of around 10,000 persons, who succumbed to the Covid-19 infection this year.

The cabinet also sanctioned the transfer of Rs336.75 crore toAirports Authority of India(AAI) for expenditure on the acquisition of 78 acre land required for the construction of civil enclave and its running at Darbhanga airport.

The had earlier transferred Rs121.43 crore to AAI for the acquisition of 31 acre land in this regard. While the estimated compensation for the acquisition of 78 acre land has been computed to be Rs336.75 crore, the chunk of Rs121.43 crore transferred earlier will be adjusted. Accordingly, the remaining net transfer of Money to be made to AAI is Rs215.32 crore,