Bihar government zeroes in on six sutras for development

Deputy CM cum finance ministerTarkishore Prasadsaid that the government has zeroed in on six sutras to revive the states economy in 2022-23, after it was severely hit by the lockdown arising from the coronavirus pandemic that brought down theGSDPGrowth rate to 2.5% in 2020-21.

The six sutras include carrying out vigorous activities in Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture and allied (fishery, and Dairy) areas, as well as in Health, industries (ethanol production and others), Education, Infrastructure development in the rural and urban areas and social welfare.
In tune with the same, the nine departments of the state are the highest grossers in the scheme outlay (Plan Fund). They are education, rural development, social welfare, rural works, health, road construction, urban development and housing, and Resources“>Water Resources departments.

The scheme outlay, excluding committed expenditure, for the education department is Rs 22,198.38 crore, that is 22.20% of the total scheme outlay, followed by Rs13,193.19 crore (15.19%) for rural development, Rs8,191.79 crore (8.19%) for social welfare, Rs 7,950.27 crore (7.95%) for rural works and Rs 7,035.56 (7.04%) for the health department.

Among others, Rs4,420.99 crore (4.42%) has been earmarked for road construction, Rs4,055.10 crore (4.06%) for urban development and housing, Rs 3,232.63 crore (3.23%) for water resources development and Rs 2,781.99 crore (2.78%) for agriculture-related activities.