Among the big States in the country, Chhattisgarh and Bihar allocated the most proportion of their budget towards Education in FY23. While Chhattisgarh allocated 18.82 per cent of the States estimated net budget expenditure to education, Bihar allocated 18.3 per cent.
The States that have spent a higher portion of their budget expenditure on education are Delhi, Assam, and Himachal Pradesh, which allocated 22 per cent, 20 per cent and 19 per cent, respectively, of their budgets on education this fiscal year.
While Chhattisgarh and Bihar are spending more on education, they do not fare too well on Literacy. The literacy rate in Chattisgarh is 77.9 per cent, while the rate for Bihar is 70.9 per cent, one of the lowest in the country, according to the National Sample Survey 2018.