Bhopal among top 10 most livable state capitals

The City of Lakes ranks seventh among the most liveable state capitals in CSEs latest report, State of Indias Environment 2021. The fingings are not too far off from last years Union governments ease of living ranking.

The CSE survey reiterates two main things citizen perception of the city is very high, but economic ability or availability is a downer.

In the Union Government 2020 ranking, Bhopal was placed 19th, with an overall ease of living score of 56.26. The aggregate score in latest report for Bhopal is the same. Both calculated the score on five benchmarks: ease of living, Quality Of Life, economic availability, sustainability and citizen perception survey.

Economic availability for both surveys have a near identical score of 14 for theMadhya Pradeshcapital. Bengaluru and Delhi are way ahead on the benchmark with 78 and 50 (out of 100). Bengaluru was also the most livable city in Union government findings.