Bengaluru ranked Fastest Mover mega city; 28th in cleanliness

Notwithstanding the flak it gets on the cleanliness front, Bengaluru bagged a top Swachh City Award as the Centre announced its SwachhSurvekshan-2021 surveyresults.

The city is ranked first as theFastest MoverMega City, in the 40 lakh plus Population category.
The tech capital secured 28th spot in cleanliness among 48 with more than 1 crore population. In 2020, Bengalurus ranking had slipped to 214, from 194 it held the preceding year. The tighter population-wise category wasnt introduced then.

The award and improvement in overall ranking comes as a shot in the arm for Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike. BBMP chief commissioner Gaurav Gupta, solid Waste Management special commissioner Harish Kumar and joint commissioner Sarfaraz Khan received the award in New Delhi.