Current Affairs Exam

Banni Buffalo: Indias First IVF Calf Born

Indias first IVF calf of the Banni breed of buffaloes was born at a farmers house in Gir Somnath district of Gujarat on 23 October.


Banni breed of buffalo is found in the Kutch region of Gujarat.

The IVC process was conducted to enhance the number of genetically superior buffaloes for enhancing milk production.

Banni buffalo belongs to a farmer from Dhanej village, who gave birth to IVF male calf.

Embryos of Banni donors were instilled in 18 recipient buffaloes using the IVF technology.

The Banni breed had gained six pregnancies at the farmers firm, and One calf was born.

This process was carried out by JKBovagenix of NGO JK Trust, a social enterprise of Raymond Group.

Banni buffalo is also known as Kutchi, found primarily in the Kutch district of Gujarat.

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