Ayushman scheme- Patients to give feedback on treatment, hospitals

In a step towards making the Ayushman Yojana more transparent the State Health Agency (SHA) has decided to provide the information regarding the expenses incurred in the treatment of the beneficiaries of the scheme. The beneficiaries would also give feedback on their treatment. The SHA has issued a directive to all the hospitals in this regard.

It is pertinent to mention here that in the recent programme organised to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the Ayushman Yojana, the Health minister Dhan Singh Rawat had directed the officers of the SHA to make the scheme more transparent and effective for public welfare.

The SHA has asked the hospitals to submit a proof that they have done free treatment of the patient under the scheme and no was taken from the patient for tests, surgery and medicines during his stay in the hospital. The patients would be informed about the money remaining out of the five lakh per year in their card.