At Rs 8,400 crore, Gujarat GST collection second highest

With surging raw material costs, costlier commodities coupled with an improved demand in the run up to the festive season, Gujarats GST collection stood at an all-time high of Rs 8,497 crore in October 2021, since the rollout of the new tax regime. Tax collection grew 25% year-on-year against Rs 6,797 crore in October 2020.Gujarathad the second highest GST collection, laggingMaharashtrawhere the tax mop-up was Rs 16,355 crore in October.

According to Union finance ministry, the revenues would have still been higher if the sales of cars and other products had not been affected because of disruption in supply of semi-Conductors.
Even month on month, GST collection rose 9.2% against Septembers Rs 7,780 crore in Gujarat. state GST (SGST) collection has also grown 40% in Gujarat during October. According to data, SGST collection stood at Rs 3,821 crore in October this year against Rs 2,731 crore of collection in the same month last year.