Assam, Meghalaya to divide 36sqkm disputed land equally

:AssamandMeghalayahave agreed in principle to divide about 36 sqkm of disputed land at six places between them in almost equal parts to partially end the 50-year-old border row between them.

The disputes in six other remaining areas, which are termed as complicated, will be taken up for settlement in the next phase.

The two states have, however, agreed that the disputes will be limited to only these 12 areas based on the claims made by Meghalaya till 2011 and that Meghalaya cannot make any further claims.

The Assam-Meghalaya proposal will be sent to MHA for approval as inter-state boundary is a central subject, which will have to be then approved by parliament as Meghalaya became a full-fledged state in 1972 under the North Eastern Region (Re-organisation) Act of 1971 and then ratified by the legislative assemblies of both states.