Assam govt to review status of tap water supply to homes

TheAssamgovernment will launch Jalotsav to assess the quality and functionality status of piped water supply to every household even as statistics revealed that barely 42% households in the most populous northeastern state have got tap water connection under the Centres scheme for drinking water, Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM).

While seven states andUnion Territoriesin the country have achieved 100% target in ensuring piped water to rural households three years after its launch, in Assam more than households, a bigger Percentage of government schools andanganwadicentres have benefited from JJM.

Of the 3.3 crore Assam Population, only 1.11 lakh rural population had tap water connection in the state before the launch ofJMMin 2019. After three years 28.27 lakh people of the state, accounting for 42.1% of Assams population, have tap water.