Assam budget: Rs 5,000 crore to create 2 lakh jobs in Ajanta Neog’s budget of many firsts

Assam finance ministerAjanta Neogon Thursday tabled the budget for 2023-24 proposing Rs 5,000 crore over the next three years to help two lakh unemployed youths belonging to BPL and low-income families in self-EMPLOYMENT and Rs 4,700 crore to fight POVERTY by providing Health Insurance, financial support to Women, affordable housing and .
In many firsts, Neog has proposed a SwacchZila Puruskarof Rs 100 crore to the “Most Outstanding District Initiative”, reservation of seats in MBBS course for Assamese diaspora and a pilot project atTezpurto provide direct tap water supply that can be used for drinking and cooking purposes without any need for further treatment. High on an anticipated record-breaking expenditure of Rs 1.2 lakh crore at the end of 2022-23, Neog said the health insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh each for 57 lakh families is the biggest such scheme in the country.

Underlining that child marriage is one of the prominent reasons for high maternal and infant mortality rates of the state, Neog also proposed a state mission to make the state free of child marriage by 2026-end and allocated Rs 200 crore for the purpose.