Assam body to go for Muslim census

The Janagosthiya Samannay Parishad, an umbrella body of 21 indigenous Muslim organizations in Assam, will begin acensusto identify the states khilonjiya or indigenous Muslim Population to re-establish theseparate identityof these communities, which has been threatened of late.

Thestate governmenthad announced that it will conduct the census and state budget allocated welfare funds of Rs 100 crore to establish a development corporation for theindigenousMuslims.

The Assam government last year on February 6 announced a meeting with representatives of indigenous Muslim communities Goria, Moria, Ujani, Deshi, Jola, Maimal, Syed, etc. to discuss the implementation of socio-economic census of indigenous Muslims. Awal said there are 40 lakh indigenous Muslims in the state. According to Census 2011, Muslims constitute 34.22% of the 3.12 crore population of Assam.