Andhra Pradesh: TTD signs a MOU with IOCL for setting up biogas plant at Tirumala

The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Iocl) for setting up a biogas plant at Tirumala.

The plant would be set up in two acres at an estimated cost of about 12 crore, as a part of the Swachh Bharat campaign. The project cost will be shared by both the stakeholders.

According to estimates, about 35 tonnes of garbage is produced atop the temple town on a daily basis and setting up of the plant would help generate 1.6 metric tonnes of gas, which will be used in preparation of food at the Matru Sri Tarigonda Vengamamba Anna Prasadam (free meals) Complex.