Andhra Pradesh: Municipal schools reel under poor infrastructure, apathy

Municipal schools, which are catering to Education needs of the poor children from urban slums, are struggling with inadequate and proper monitoring system. With the government setting its focus mainly on strengthening rural schools, themunicipal schoolswere neglected.

The absence of a separate directorate to monitor the functioning of municipal schools has become a setback in resolving the issues of teachers, students and other staff.
The states municipal school education system, commissioned 163 years ago, is one of the oldest streams in the country. Academicians say that the school managements continuing the old rules are leading to disorder in urban public schools.

In 1966, the Kothari Commission suggested appointment of school supervisors. The commission had also observed that school supervisors should have expertise in education psychology, childrens psychology and pedagogy. Several decades have passed since then, but nothing has changed in the field.