Andhra Pradesh government buys more mobile medical units to bring medical services to doorstep

TheAndhra Pradeshgovernment is purchasing 539 new mobile medical units (MMUs), in addition to the existing 676, at a cost of Rs 89.72 crore to drive the family physician concept in Conjunction with the 1,145 primary Health centres (PHCs).

Till July last year, there was one MMU for every 2.27 mandals in the state, covering a Population of 1,30,136.

With the addition of 539 new vehicles, every mandal will have a mobile medical unit to cover a population of 56,213.

Each PHC has two doctors, both of whom will tour villages under their jurisdiction in turns, in the MMUs and render medical Services to villagers.

The government is also building village clinics with required to expand medicare services upto the grassroots level.

Besides the visiting doctors, the MLHPs andASHAworkers will render their services to the villagers.

This apart, the government recruited gynaecologists to cover 12 PHCs in a week and offer specialist services to Women patients.